The nomination period has ended and the ballot will be posted by April 1.
The nomination period has ended and the ballot will be posted by April 1.
Self-nominations for five seats on the Morristown Partnership Special Improvement District’s (SID) Board of Trustees are accepted in March of each year, an election is conducted in April.
In order to be listed on the Ballot of Nominees, you must be an SID member (an owner of commercial real estate (Class 1 or 4) that is subject to assessment or the owner of a business, or the authorized representative and employee of an owner of a business, located in an assessed property within the Special Improvement District; specific requirements can be found in the Corporation’s By-Laws). This would exclude church, governmental, non-profit or owner-occupied residential properties.
Annually, there are five (5) seats available for three-year terms beginning May 1 and ending April 30.
You are entitled to vote if you are a commercial property owner or business owner paying a special assessment in the Special Improvement District, or the official designee of the property or business owner.
Paper ballots will be mailed and available for download.
Each assessed property has one vote and must be cast by the entity, or entities, which own(s) the property. Only one ballot may be cast for each such entity. Each “bona fide” business located within the Special Improvement District (a business with a separate and distinct existence from all other businesses located at the same property) also has one vote.
Ballots must be returned to Morristown Partnership for tabulation, by the League of Women Voters, by the posted deadline.